Thursday, December 13, 2012

Baler: Land of virtuosity

“You're mind is working at its best when you're being paranoid.
You explore every avenue and possibility of your situation
at high speed with total clarity.” 

Colors & hues. Shapes & sizes. Patterns & designs. I go crazy over these.

Last november 2012 was our Baler trip. I was all excited I could vomit & smile at the same time. Long stretch of beach, hot surfers & getting stoked was all dancing in my mind. Baler didn't fail my expectations, It actually put my amazement of the place into full scale.

Aside from the usual "must-dos" in baler which is to surf, what gotten my attention is that the whole place was inspired by art. from the alleys, to the stores, to the church and most especially the museum (obviously, It's a museum - for crying out loud).

Banksy inspired post at Baler, Aurora
Another Banksy inspired.
Remember BALER the movie? :)

Fortunate of us that there was an ongoing Photo poetry & Painting exhibit  during our visit
Magnificent, Isn't it?
Photo poetry exhibit by both professional & amateur photogs 

Portraits of fortitude: Faces of valor
Baler church's golden chandelier.

Baler church
 See? not just a surfer's destination, but a land of virtuosity. Places like this makes me sing glory to the Lord for he had given us all the riches this life can offer.

Well, see you again as I shout HALER BALER! again :)

Carpe diem,

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